Hoop House

In January 2016, Kyle Singler of the Thunder donated $10,000 to CommonWealth to build a hoop house! Hoop houses are structures made from large metal hoops, secured to the ground, and covered with plastic. They provide a microclimate for plants and greatly extend the growing season.


Throughout the fall of 2016, volunteers gathered on multiple build days to help construct the hoop house,  under direction from Phocas Farms. In October 2016, friends, neighbors, and supporters gathered to tour the growing and composting areas of CommonWealth Urban Farms, explore nature on a scavenger hunt, learn about mushroom innoculation, and celebrate urban farming. 

Heartfelt thanks to Kyle, Paul Mays from SixTwelve, the musicians, dedicated volunteers, and sponsors who provided items for the raffle and silent auction. Much gratitude to all our guests and supporters!

HH 1-27-17

If you’d like to learn more about the hoop house and see what we have growing, join us for our Urban Farm Tour on the first Saturday of each month. You can learn more here.